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LED Signage vs. Traditional Signage: What’s the Better Choice?

LED Signage vs. Traditional Signage

LED Signage vs. Traditional Signage: What’s the Better Choice?

What would you do when you notice two different advertisements? You would stop by and read it. Won’t you? The first advertisement is on a large billboard, and the other is on digital signage. Which one will you be most attracted to? Naturally, digital signage, right? Messages that are printed on a vibrant screen catch the attention of viewers. The time when traditional signage was a rage. People used to take an interest in traditional signs. As digital signs have captured the market, people take delight in these signs. If you wish to advertise your business, your best bet is to advertise it on digital signage. Digital LED signage solutions are known for providing bright and eye-catching digital signage for customers. This blog will teach you whether traditional signage is better than digital signage.

Delve Into Traditional Signage 

While driving on a highway or flyover, you see banners and billboards. These are the examples of traditional signage. Those signs used to be still. This means that the objects on the posters or billboards do not move. Traditional signage was indeed a vital part of advertising. Messages used to be projected on printed materials. Some common traditional signage are posters, billboards, flyers, banners, and frame signs. The right place for billboards is on the highway. Flyers and posters used to be seen in the high-traffic zones. The best place for banners is outside the festival venue. Frame signs used to be outside restaurants, good joints, and cafes.

Upsides Of Traditional Signage 

* You can make designs on traditional signage with the help of a professional. You can also make paintings or designs that resemble your products on banners or posters. 

* Place the flyers or posters in whichever place you want. Best of all, the installation of flyers, banners, and posters is quite simple. Select your desired location and hang your chosen traditional signs without a hitch. 

* You do not need an internet connection, or you do not have to keep the signs updated. For every new message, use a new sign.

Downsides Of Traditional Signage 

* Only one message can be portrayed on the traditional sign. The message cannot be changed once it is on the billboard or flyer. 

* Your viewers cannot move or touch the traditional sign hung high above a place. 

* Traditional signs can wear and tear due to harsh weather conditions. As a result, you would need to keep maintaining the signs. 

* It is discarded Once viewers read the advertisement on a poster or banner. These posters and banners are toxic to the environment and dumped in landfills.

What Do You Know About Digital Signage? 

Digital signage, or digital display, can be found in various formats. Technologies such as LED and LCD screens are used in digital displays. The prime role of these digital displays is to project a message that changes periodically. The simple messages that are shown through digital signage are captivating. People can interact with these displays.

Upsides Of Digital Signage 

  • Content is showcased in the form of videos and motion graphics. Outdoor LED signs are more enchanting than static displays. 
  • Viewers can communicate effectively with digital displays. These displays are so fascinating that they can grab viewers’ attention instantly. 
  • Digital signage, which portrays ever-changing information, can keep your viewers updated. You can install digital displays outdoors and indoors, and indoor LED signs can uplift your business.
  • This electronic signage will not harm the environment. Unlike traditional signs, it is completely eco-friendly. 
  • Change the information whenever you want, which is one of the best parts. 

Downsides Of Digital Signage 

  • Digital displays can be expensive compared to traditional signs. The media players and software used in these signs are costly.
  • At times, viewers cannot properly view the message in the signage. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the messages are flashed correctly.
  • Investigating the technical aspects of digital displays and setting up the signs properly is also essential. Technical difficulties are likely to occur in digital displays.

Digital displays can enhance your business. Call Wipath Communications for the best quality and modern signage. 

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